Recent Posts
The Curbza Workout
January 1, 2019
There you have it, you have set your New Years resolution to get slim and in shape for summer. In this week’s blog we are going to look at health and fitness because we want to be a part of your success. We know it isn’t easy to lose the extra pounds from all the […]

Diamonds are Not Always Forever
September 11, 2017
In this weeks blog we look at safely selling your unwanted Jewelry on Curbza.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
September 5, 2017
It’s the most wonderful time of the year as summer ends and the kids go back to school. It’s the time when all the college kids are decorating their first dorm. In this blog we are going to look at some clever tricks to modify your new dorm room to make life better while you hit the books.

Yard Sale Season – Blog #2
July 15, 2017
In our last article, we spoke of how summer is the best time for a yard sales, that is if you own a yard. Many people though do not have yards, so how can they capitalize from their clutter? Is today’s article we will highlight a few new ways everyone without a yard can get […]

Yard Sales Season – Blog #1
June 16, 2017
Planning The summer is the best time for a yard sale. You’ve gone through your house and decluttered, pulling together a pile of stuff to showcase on your lawn. Your old 10-speed bike, TV dinner tables, 24 volume encyclopedias and a classic record collection. Not to mention a ton of old winter clothes. The Big […]

Preparing for a new job and a big move
May 30, 2017
Moving season is upon us and you are anticipating word back on a new job offer. You’ve had three interviews with the same company and the results look promising. The job you have applied for will require you to move which is why you are hopeful the new company with assist you with a relocation package. […]

Spring cleaning means spring thrifting
April 12, 2017
January may be the beginning of the new year, but for many people the spring months mark a significant new start. Spring cleaning is a fantastic way to clear clutter and create an open, refreshing space for the upcoming months of warm weather and entertaining guests, but if you love to thrift shop, this is […]

Building a successful online store with no marketing team
March 9, 2017
You’ve started organizing your house, you’ve assessed the clutter situation and you’re ready to sell some of your items. It’s time to get these items on the market, but how can you be sure your tactics will work? When you hear the word “marketing” in reference to your clutter being sold online, it may seem a […]

Upcycling experts that will inspire you to get started
February 9, 2017
They say one person’s trash is another’s treasure, but have you ever thought your own clutter could be transformed into the new, revamped piece you’re looking for? Upcycling is a huge trend right now in the blogosphere, with minimalism and zero-wasting living on the rise. Choosing to upcycle your old stuff or purchase used goods […]