Recent Posts

Decluttering as you move
May 3, 2017
Spring is here, which means it’s peak moving season. In the U.S., 80% of moves are made from April to September. Moving is an exciting time, with all the new decor possibilities and the opportunity to start fresh. However, it can also be really stressful if you’re already bogged down by your stuff. De-cluttering as […]

No regrets: keeping a home inventory
October 27, 2016
Let’s talk about your stuff. Tangible stuff, like the objects you own. Whether you have a three story house and a garage full of stuff that’s new, old and everything in between, or a small one bedroom apartment with just the basics, there is something special about your stuff, and that’s just it: it’s yours. […]

Modify your experience with customizable networks
August 9, 2016
We’re constantly looking for new ways to improve the app, and recently we made a huge lunge forward in development. We’ve released a new version of Curbza that provides users with new options for buying and selling, and advanced security features. Our mission is to make the app the most user-friendly experience on the market. […]

Why Curbza is better than those other guys
June 9, 2016
A lot of people have been asking what makes us different from Kijiji and the other guys. And it’s a question we’re very happy to answer. It was all those other buy and sell sites that pointed us in the right direction to make the better app. Not including all the exciting features we have […]