Recent Posts

Diamonds are Not Always Forever
September 11, 2017
In this weeks blog we look at safely selling your unwanted Jewelry on Curbza.

Yard Sale Season – Blog #2
July 15, 2017
In our last article, we spoke of how summer is the best time for a yard sales, that is if you own a yard. Many people though do not have yards, so how can they capitalize from their clutter? Is today’s article we will highlight a few new ways everyone without a yard can get […]

Preparing for a new job and a big move
May 30, 2017
Moving season is upon us and you are anticipating word back on a new job offer. You’ve had three interviews with the same company and the results look promising. The job you have applied for will require you to move which is why you are hopeful the new company with assist you with a relocation package. […]

Decluttering as you move
May 3, 2017
Spring is here, which means it’s peak moving season. In the U.S., 80% of moves are made from April to September. Moving is an exciting time, with all the new decor possibilities and the opportunity to start fresh. However, it can also be really stressful if you’re already bogged down by your stuff. De-cluttering as […]

Six ways you can be sure it’s time to declutter
September 19, 2016
So you’ve been reading our blogs for months, right? You’ve probably caught yourself sighing out loud, thinking “I have to try that!” Maybe you’ve even bookmarked some decluttering blogs or followed some organization twitter accounts for inspiration. That’s great! But have you started the declutter yet? It’s not only hard to get motivated (here’s some […]

Empty your inventory to fill your wallet (The Student Series)
September 2, 2016
Back-to-school is the perfect time to reevaluate the stuff you have and decide what’s worth keeping and what you can bare to part with. Trying to decide what you need and what you don’t can be difficult, so we’ve made a list of stuff a lot of students have but don’t necessarily need when moving […]

Prevent clutter before you get the point of a massive decluttering session (The Student Series)
August 29, 2016
As if there’s not enough on your plate as a student already, why not start tackling that clutter as September rolls around? Just kidding. You don’t have time for that. The best way to make sure your life stays clutter-free while you’re buried in the books and socializing with your new friends is to organize […]

Give in to the urge to purge: how to start decluttering your home
August 2, 2016
The thought of cleaning or decluttering your home can be incredibly daunting, there’s no denying it. That’s why so many people leave it off for weeks, months, or even years. We know that taking the time to declutter and organize our stuff will make our lives easier, so why do we wait so long? Maybe […]

Out of sight and out of mind: how minimizing your stuff can minimize your stress
July 26, 2016
Minimalism is a big trend right now. Bloggers and designers are obsessed with the idea of less is more when it comes to wardrobes, interior decorating and graphic design, and it seems this trend is rubbing off on every day people. This is a trend Curbza can get behind. Minimalism encourages people to take an […]