Preparing for a new job and a big move
Moving season is upon us and you are anticipating word back on a new job offer. You’ve had three interviews with the same company and the results look promising. The job you have applied for will require you to move which is why you are hopeful the new company with assist you with a relocation package.
Develop a Game Plan
You estimate that you have three to four weeks before you know the outcome – so what can you do? Perhaps its time to take inventory as this is a good time to declutter your life. You know that if you land the job and they don’t assist you with a relocation package, you will need to foot the moving bill. Use Curbza and create an inventory of all the things you may consider selling to fund your journey.
Creating an Inventory
Using Curbza, you start adding items you wish to sell. It is important that you take great pictures. It’s widely known that items with great pictures have a better chance of selling which is why having a spotlight is handy to make your item nice and bright when you photograph them. Consider making your own lightbox to photograph smaller items with a cardboard box and white paper.
Once you have a few good photos, set your price and adjust your stock. Stock is good for multiple items like a box of old magazines, you can show how many magazines are in the box.
Choose a network
Curbza is different because you can list in multiple networks at once. No longer are you limited to one part of the city anymore. Early on in Curbza‘s history, we created networks for every university in Canada. We have given you access to thousands of students across the country to help you declutter and cash in. After choosing your network, Stash your the item in your inventory for later. Repeat this process over the next few weeks with all the items you know you want to sell.
Big News
Today is the day and the new company has decided you are the right person for the job. They hire you and give you a relocation package. Its time to get to work… well not really. Just open Curbza and send all the items from your stash to the market and let Curbza do the rest. Now you can focus on other moving tasks.
Swift Simple and Secure. Curbza is the ultimate tool to ease the moving process. Inventory early and put your items to the markets you want with the click of a button.
We hope you enjoy your new job!